SOFICAS Health Insurance in France
An independent broker since 1988
Our job is to solicit the largest insurance groups to bring you the best financial and technical solutions regarding your individual health insurance needs in France. We cover the whole of the French territory and we specialize in Health Insurance, Top-Up and Full Private cover, for the English speaking population living in France, or on the point of doing so. For over 15 years, SOFICAS has specialized in health insurance for English speaking people and has obtained important means to bring you a high quality service.
Established in 1945, the French public health programme, called the 'Securité Sociale', has undergone many transformations, and continues to change depending on European economics and National Health matters. Keeping up with these changes made to an already complicated system and understanding how differences could affect each individual is the main reason why people recommend SOFICAS.
SOFICAS will guide you through the tedious task of getting into the French Health System, but that’s not all ! SOFICAS can accompany you thereafter with your French Health, Top-Up or Full Private Health Insurance needs in English.
The Top-Up system has become a way of life for the French.
Health services have become increasingly expensive and Government reimbursements have decreased considerably over the years. However, many have family or friends that have experienced the excellent French health services and they will tell you,
"Thank goodness we had a Top-Up!"
During this financially demanding period, people are hesitant to give up their Top-Up insurance to save money but prefer to re-examine their existing policies. Ironically, when SOFICAS is contacted to make comparison, people realise that they have often been underinsured and / or overpriced.
It is not unheard-of, to get a higher level of cover through SOFICAS and to pay lesser premiums.
If you would like more information from SOFICAS simply click here
